Monday, May 28, 2012

DISH Network's Ad Hopper vs TV Networks

So, commercials for Dish networks hopper started to appear in March, the hopper is basically a DVR. 8 commercials so far, 7 of which all feature the “Boston Family” as they call it, because the way they speak and say hopper is funny. Now I use to live in Boston for many years, so I fully appreciate the accent and I admire what Dish tried to do here, For the most part they caught the essence of a Boston family.

A few weeks ago they unveiled their ad hop feature, and with this you can choose to completely skip the ads in your programming. This of course, did not go over smoothly with tv networks for they need their advertisement in order to provide cheaper and sometimes free programming for US. 

So The owners of the CBS, Fox and NBC networks accused Dish of copyright infringement because even though, technically we’ve been able to skip ads for years now, we have never been offered the opportunity with such ease by a major distributor until now.

The TV networks are saying that DISH has, in effect, violated their copyrights by stripping away the traditional way they make money, and I tend to agree. Advertising revenue underwrites the high cost of producing television shows. It’s just the way it is. 

If I could sue Dish along with the networks, I would as well, I could use the money, but more-so, I don’t want you skipping ads. I want you to watch them, too realize how much goes into making them, to come here and critique them, each 30 second ad is a new story, a new adventure, it’s not just $$, it’s content. Some ads are fricking horrible, and some are crazy fancy. And My job is to make it no longer an interruption in your show, but rather, bonus content. Well what are your thoughts on Ad-skipping? Are you on Dish’s side or the TV networks. 

Stay Wicked Fancy

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Snark Busters: High Society

I might be obsessed with hidden object games. It's possible. Which is why I chose to review the awesome Alawar games Snark Buster: High Society this week. You should probably check it out. I'm just saying. This is the link to the video hooray!
I'm bummed that they don't make their games for Mac but at the same time a little relieved because I'd probably spend all my money on them.
Why are you still reading this? Go watch the video!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nike Football : My Time is Now review!

A few weeks ago I did a parody on a recent Adidas campaign, It was fun, but I can do no such thing with Nike’s “My Time is Now” campaign. It’s far to epic, they pulled out all the bells and whistles, amazing cinematography, fx, interaction. And they have so much wow factor that, unless someone pays me a lot of money, I’m never going to get that fancy. 

Back in 2010 Nike unleashed an amazing “Write the Future” Campaign for the World Cup with a list of cameo’s that was seam-ably unmatched. And here we are two years later with their newest box office smash entitled My Time is Now, with I dare say even more cameo’s from some of the biggest athletes in the world, and even LeBron James makes a cameo appearance. The ad is for the 14th European Championship, and ultimately it’s for everyone who’s ever sat on a bench ready to play. It’s a “Coach, put me in” kind of ad. It made ME want to get out there and play! It made me remember the times when I did, I was a striker. These legs are massive, that’s why we don’t show them. 

The ad Agency Wieden & Kennedy, London put this get together, and I dare say, it will be one we remember. Not only is it 3 minutes in length, spectacular, action packed with sprinkles of comedy, The damn things interactive. If you go to their YouTube page, link below, you can watch the ad and try and find “tunnels” that bring you to more content! It’s brilliant! And a great way of using the technology that’s out there and pushing the limits. You’ll find yourself watching the video over and over again trying to find something new. Last week I said the future of advertising is on the way, and here is a perfect example. Well done indeed. I want to hear from you, did you find all the tunnels? Did you enjoy Nike’s new campaign?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Documentary Review!

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 is on the horizon, coming in November!!

72 and Sunny put together a very real feeling documentary style ad using the talents of Lieutenant Colonel, military historian, New York Times best selling author and host of “War Stories” Oliver North. (Pic) along with bestselling author and specialist on 21st century warfare P.W. Singer. 

What are your thoughts on blending the line between real war, and entertainment? Did this ad strategy work, or did it not. And did you like our parody? Or was it too over the top?  Leave your own video response under our video on YouTube and don't forget to subscribe, because here, everyone’s a crittick.

Here is the original 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

T-Mobile tries again

Back in 2010 T-Mobile put Carly Foulkes in a pink leather outfit and give her a sports bike, they also put an "iPhone4" on the back of an AT&T mini bike. Back then they were spoofing the iPhone ads that were running rampant. Now they are taking that same idea and upping the ante. What are your thoughts? Does it work better the second time around? Do you like Carly in her new look? Leave your comments below, or leave a video response to OUR video review on our YouTube channel below!
Because here, EVERYONE is a Crittick!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Verizon Creates the Worst Mothers Day ad 2012

Looking for a Mothers Day ad to review this week, I stumbled upon this horror. Verizon pretty much nailed the worst ad of the quarter with their Mothers Day ad for the Razzor. Nothing about this ad would make me want to buy a phone. I don't know many Mother Daughter relationships that are like this. It got such an awful response from the public as soon as it was released. So much so, that Verizon took it down from YouTube are re-cut a new ad with less whining. I'm glad they were listening but unfortunately the damage is already done, and we already recorded our review. Sorry Verizon, better luck on Fathers Day.

Happy Mothers Day everyon!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Thoughts on Carly Foulkes and the new T-Mobile Campaign

This week Mac wants to give a video shout out to one of his favorite spokeswomen, Carly Foulkes. Since the beginning, when she was just posing in print ads, all the way to the present, Mac has watched her, T-Mobile and the company grow into formidable competition for the other phone companies.

 Some ads have been awful and it usually stems from adding too much or trying to hard. Companies always need to remember what got them to where they are when they find themselves ahead. Simple and Clean is what brought attention to T-Mobile. A beautiful face attached to the name is all it needed to draw in the customers.

Let us know your thoughts on the new campaign. Do you think it was a smart idea to change the image of T-Mobile and Carly? Does the edgy new look appeal to more people?

Leave your comments,
Crittick's welcome!
